Monday, February 2, 2009

And the reviews are in!

A writer from Iceland Review Online, Ingibjörg Rósa Björnsdóttir, has given 'The Sunshine Boy' a glowing review!
Please click here to read more:

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this incredibly wonderful, heart-lifting film today at the Toronto International Film Festival. Keli is a magical being. He is so lucky to have such a loving family, and to have Soma in his life.
    When Keli wept (with joy, and perhaps a sadness and knowing) from Soma telling him that playing the piano is a possibility to express himself and the music created in his thoughts- it was beyond words for me.
    I sincerely hope all of Keli's dreams come true, and that one day maybe Keli will share his music with the world.
